How many players are online in Warface?

Players online in Warface


* in 150 countries

On this page you can find out how many players are online in Warface right now. To update the current status of the number of players, just click on the update button. It is worth noting that the more popular the game, the stronger the jumps in statistics.

This indicator may also be affected by regional servers, which may drop players or not transmit statistics about them to the collection services, as well as championships and other game activities currently being held.

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*We receive information from the statistics servers, the maximum error is 2-4%, depending on the load on the network.

Describing Warface

Warface is a free-to-play online first-person shooter game developed by Crytek Kiev, co-produced by Crytek Seoul, and published by The game was developed with Crytek’s in-house CryEngine 3. Warface centers around online firefights in player versus player (PvP) matches, with microtransactions allowing players to purchase weapons, equipment, and cosmetic gear.

how many players in Warface

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