How many players are online in Garry’s Mod?

Players online in Garry’s Mod


* in 150 countries

On this page you can find out how many players are online in Garry’s Mod right now. To update the current status of the number of players, just click on the update button. It is worth noting that the more popular the game, the stronger the jumps in statistics.

This indicator may also be affected by regional servers, which may drop players or not transmit statistics about them to the collection services, as well as championships and other game activities currently being held.

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*We receive information from the statistics servers, the maximum error is 2-4%, depending on the load on the network.

Describing Garry’s Mod

Garry’s Mod is a 2006 sandbox game developed by Facepunch Studios and published by Valve. The base game mode of Garry’s Mod has no set objectives and provides the player with a world in which to freely manipulate objects. Other game modes, notably Trouble in Terrorist Town, are created by other developers as mods and are installed separately, by means such as the Steam Workshop. Garry’s Mod was created by Garry Newman as a mod for Valve’s Source game engine and released in December 2004, before being expanded into a standalone release that was published by Valve in November 2006. Ports of the original Microsoft Windows version for Mac OS X and Linux followed in September 2010 and June 2013, respectively. As of December 2020, Garry’s Mod has sold more than 18 million copies.


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