How many players are online in Far Cry 5?

Players online in Far Cry 5


* in 150 countries

On this page you can find out how many players are online in Far Cry 5 right now. To update the current status of the number of players, just click on the update button. It is worth noting that the more popular the game, the stronger the jumps in statistics.

This indicator may also be affected by regional servers, which may drop players or not transmit statistics about them to the collection services, as well as championships and other game activities currently being held.

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*We receive information from the statistics servers, the maximum error is 2-4%, depending on the load on the network.

Describing Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 is a 2018 first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Toronto and published by Ubisoft. It is the fifth main installment in the Far Cry series. The game takes place in Hope County, a fictional region of Montana, United States. The main story revolves around the Project at Eden’s Gate, a doomsday cult that has taken over the county at the command of its charismatic and powerful leader, Joseph Seed. Players control an unnamed junior deputy sheriff who becomes trapped in Hope County and must work alongside factions of a resistance to liberate the county from the despotic rule of the Seeds and Eden’s Gate.


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